Please (don’t) let me be (mis)understood (Smells Like Circus)
Geert Belpaeme
In Please (don't) let me be (mis)understood, three actors perform the intrinsic frenzy of being human, harking back to an old, almost extinct tradition: clowning. With the clown's nonsensical language and shaky body, with a cheerful recklessness and frivolous pretension, they make their way through human history and beyond.
Please (don't) let me be (mis)understood is a physical performance in which human bodies go beyond their limits to play non-human relationships as well. All with the clown’s wink.
Language no problem
Duration: 60 minutes
This performance is part of Smells Like Circus, a festival by VIERNULVIER and Miramiro in collaboration with CAMPO, KOPERGIETERY, Circuscentrum and Cultuurcentrum Evergem. View the full program here.