© Carly Heathcote
© Carly Heathcote
© Pieter Dumoulin
© Pieter Dumoulin
© Pieter Dumoulin
© Tina Herbots
© Pieter Dumoulin
Ambient Theatre Fury
The Death Of Dialogue and How To Avoid It
Two people, and a frantic desire for an encounter.
In perpetually anguished attempts to connect, saying ‘you’ is locked in an endless echo of an ‘I’.
But they, and their emotions, are real, fleshed out in their striving bodies!
Under a flood of smartness lurks a heap of insecurity.
How little it takes and yet so unreachable it seems to leave one’s own ego-chamber and construct something else, a relation with another.
With Ambient Theatre Fury, Anna Franziska Jäger and Nathan Ooms continue their artistic research into the relationship between digital media and subjectivity in crisis. After Bartlebabe, which unraveled the individual in a virtuoso monologue, Ambient Theatre Fury marks the next step: the search for a dialogue between flamboyant and anxious subjectivities.
Jäger and Ooms start from the observation that contemporary culture is increasingly pervaded by so-called 'ambient' experiences. Netflix series, popular songs, but also the streams of our social media feeds: this ambience arises from a specific intersection of frivolous pleasure with banal seduction. All this clamor generates a form of absence; it is a type of pseudo-activity that numbs the sense of time and demands a certain stillness from the subject. What happens when this ambient quality is magnified and amplified, gliding nervously or raging furiously across the scene?
Duration: 60 minutes / in English
Discover the playlist with their favorite songs HERE. Warning: do not shuffle!
In the digital world, even the romantic encounter has become an exchange of (self) images, not pheromones. In Ambient Theatre Fury, theatre makers Nathan Ooms and Anna Franziska Jäger draw this new reality.
The almighty eye
Perhaps our work is perceived more cynically than we ourselves estimate.
In their crystal-clear form, Jäger and Ooms find an expression of the most contemporary (non-)emotions, but at the core something timeless is also cited. That balance is beautiful.
by & with Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms costumes, scenography & inside eye Carly Rae Heathcote dramaturgy Bojana Cvejić text coaching Bryana Fritz technical Koen Goosens & Rune Floryn production CAMPO coproduction TAZ & Sabam For Culture – Jong Werk beurs TAZ, Kunstenwerkplaats Brussels with the support of VGC & De Grote Post Oostende