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© Studio Narki
© Studio Narki
© Studio Narki
© Studio Narki
© Studio Narki
Lullaby for Scavengers
Kim Noble / CAMPO
Lullaby for Scavengers.
A lullaby is a soothing song.
Scavengers eat dead animals.
Kim Noble's ex-lover and co-host is an angry dead squirrel.
The angry dead squirrel can talk.
The piece is quite funny.
The piece is about grand feelings.
For example, people's fear of loneliness.
It is also about our wishes and dreams.
Kim Noble is an English cult comedian/artist.
He lived in a sewer and in a tree.
He got a very important theatre award in England.
His performances are humorous, but the squirrel doesn’t think so.
The performances are also about serious things.
Like death and friendship.
Kim Noble is an award winning comedic performance and video artist. His multi-disciplined approach has led him to work across theatre, TV, film, art and comedy. Kim’s work uses a provocative and humorous style to expose the human condition: notions of death, sexuality, gender and religion are picked at with dry comedic use of tragedy meshed with absurdity. He has a girl’s name and no longer smells of wee.
He was one half of Perrier Award-winning, BAFTA-nominated experimental art-comedy duo Noble and Silver. At CAMPO, he previously created Wild Life FM together with Pol Heyvaert and Jakob Ampe.
IN ENGLISH / duration: 70 minutes
One of the most beautiful, funny and moving plays of the year.
A crazy, disgusting, delightful, intelligent and radical experience... A macabre fantasy of the highest order.
A provocateur with a cause
Lullaby for Scavengers is a strikingly beautiful hour, as Noble struggles to live among humans as well as some unloved members of the animal kingdom (foxes included) and seems to question: who’s the real vermin here?
It’s grisly, gimmicky, sometimes repulsive, sometimes operating in the grey areas of both morality and legality. It’s also bold, funny, wildly inventive and finally rather gorgeous.
Baden mit Maden
I'm not afraid to shock people, but I do make sure that I always have enough money with me to pay back a number of tickets.
'Lullaby for Scavengers' thus confronts us with the fragility of the condition humaine, with loneliness and death in a quirky absurd-humorous way.
Crazy and wonderful!
Sublime depiction of a deeply tragic search for acceptance.
Lullaby for Scavengers is a collage performance with ingeniously constructed storylines and characters, but its dramaturgical tightness has an organic and self-evident origin: the utterly self-evident observation that Kim Noble is none other than Kim Noble.
Brilliant according to some, disgusting according to others, unforgettable either way. London artist, comedian, provocateur and poetsman Kim Noble sings his Lullaby for scavengers. 'We are all vermin.'
by & with Kim Noble dramaturgy Pol Heyvaert technical Koen Goossens, Korneel Coessens, Seppe Brouckaert, Saul Mombaerts & Squirrel music DEEWEE production CAMPO Gent coproduction Schauspiel Leipzig, Kampnagel Internationales Sommerfestival Hamburg & Festival actoral (Marseille)
Kim would like to thank his mum and the staff at The Lord Stanley. CAMPO would like to thank Jeroen Vandesande, Toon Maillard & Michiel Tilley. Squirrel doesn’t want to thank anyone.